Census Results
The 2024 Lawrence Music Census is a community-led initiative to gain a better understanding of the
current music needs of the Lawrence, Kansas community. This marks the first time that the music
community will have new data from which to develop policy solutions and approaches to support
the music ecosystem.
1. Summary Report
The Lawrence Music Census Summary Report outlines the findings of the census in a PDF document. The report includes an Executive Summary, Ecosystem Composition, Industry Profiles, Key Insights, Opportunities, and more.
2. Interactive Dashboard
All of the census data is available in an custom interactive online dashboard. You are welcome to explore based on the data categories, and the dashboard includes many functions to compare data across demographics, industry profiles and a rang of other metrics. Explore the data below and see what you can learn!
3. Presentation Deck
The following slide deck summarizes the initial findings and places the study in the context of music ecosystem development efforts by the Lawrence Music Alliance and partners across the City of Lawrence. The deck was presented to the Lawrence City Commission on June 18th.